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On Our Terms! (Acts 5:17-18, 26)

The apostles keep getting arrested. First it was just Peter and John (Acts 4:1-3). Now it is all of them (Acts 5:17-18). That is, in our passage the high priest came with a group and arrested all of the apostles. Soon after they were released by an angel (Acts 5:19-20). Today, they are being arrested again. But it is different. Notice the contrast between the arrest of yesterday (Acts 5:17-18) and today (Acts 5:26).

  • Yesterday it was a “hands-on” approach to getting the apostles. The arrest literally involved a throwing on of hands (ἐπέβαλον τὰς χεῖρας ἐπὶ τοὺς ἀποστόλους) by the captain of the temple and his officers. To understand what is meant by “laid their hands on the apostles” it helps to see that the word being translated laid (ἐπέβαλον) is found in other places (Acts 4:3; 21:27). Anyone who becomes acquainted with the other passages where ἐπέβαλον is used, can see that the arrest of the apostles was violent.
  • Today, however, the captain went with the officers and brought the apostles without violence (Acts 5:26). The apostles have most certainly reported their imprisonment, angelic visitation, and command to “speak to the people all the words of this life” (Acts 5:20). With that in mind, the captain’s attempt to arrest the apostles must be seen as evil. It is really an attempt to prevent (1) a ministry that has been helping hurting people and (2) the bringing of the message of eternal life through faith in Jesus Christ. The jealousy (indignation) of the high priest was the motivation behind the arrest. In the power of the Holy Spirit the Galileans are drawing the people away from the Sadducees to the Savior.

But, what changed? That is, why is this second attempt to get the apostles without violence. The text makes it clear: the captain and the officers are afraid.

Then the captain went with the officers and brought them without violence, for they feared the people, lest they should be stoned. (Acts 5:26)

It is obvious that the people now side with the apostles and are willing to use their greater numbers and the stones in the immediate vicinity to stop the arrest. (We must also see that the foolishness of Sadducee teachings is now on full display. Sadducees do not believe in angels (Acts 23:8). However, according to the apostles, an angel let them out of prison. Either the prison is truly dysfunctional and the apostles are lying or there is growing evidence that angels are real.) The religious leaders want to shut down an effective ministry and the people are now standing in the way. If the apostles are going to be arrested, they are going to have to be willing to go on their terms.

They are unstoppable! No weapon formed against them will prosper (Isaiah 54:17).

In His grip by His grace,
Roderick L. Barnes, Sr.

Pulling a Thread


Some web applications require a lot of attention. If there are a lot of concurrent users, complex SQL queries, and the frequent need to create large batches of records in ACID compliant transactions, efficient resource management is crucial. The web application that has characteristics like those just mentioned, if it is going to bring deliver responsive and reliable services to its user community, must be managed with high intention.  Among the things that must be managed are threads. (Self-managing web applications for large user bases is a nice idea. But at the time of this writing, my peers in the software development industry are not declaring victories in this area.) In Java-based web applications, threads play a pivotal role in handling concurrent requests, performing background tasks, and ensuring that the application remains responsive under high loads.

When thread management is either ignored or handled improperly, issues ensue. What kind of issues?

  • Thread / Memory Leaks — Thread leaks occur when threads are not properly terminated or returned to the thread pool. Does it matter? Yes! If the threads are not being properly terminated or returned to the thread pool, and they are being created as the application runs, threads are leaking out. This will lead to a depletion of available threads, causing the application to hang or crash. (Eventually there are no threads are left to handle incoming requests.) How does this happen? This could be due to spend thrifty creation of threads in our code. Each thread uses a chunk of memory. Excessive creation of threads without proper management will exhaust the JVM heap space and lead to OutOfMemoryError exceptions. (Practically speaking, not too long after you see these exceptions in log files, your application is going to crash or become unstable.)
  • Thread Starvation and Increased Latency — This happens when lower-priority threads are perpetually prevented from executing because higher-priority threads monopolize the CPU. These low prior threads are not altogether unimportant. But when they are forced to wait on resource hogging threads, their unimportant work eventually becomes urgent. Making them wait invariably leads to unresponsive services and missed deadlines for critical tasks. Users may see the symptoms in slow application response times.
  • Unexpected Behavior — Poorly managed threads can cause the application to behave unpredictably under different load conditions. This makes it difficult to ensure consistent performance and reliability, especially in a production environment. Inconsistent State: If a ThreadLocal variable is not properly initialized for each thread, different threads may see different states, leading to inconsistent behavior in the application. (I experienced this woe while working on an application written for a government agency. The mismanagement of ThreadLocal variables in Liferay kept manifesting itself in application users getting sessions that actually belonged to someone else. The menus of the application were determined by the security role associated with the user’s account. The security role was stored in the user’s session. Without warning a user would suddenly have the menu for another user with more or less privileges than themselves. No, I did not write that code. But I still had to fix it.) Inheritance Issues: Using InheritableThreadLocal can lead to unexpected behavior if child threads inadvertently inherit values from parent threads when such inheritance is not intended.

This post delves into the essentials of thread management in Java-based web applications that run on Apache Tomcat. In the discussion that follows we will give special attention to (1) enumerating threads, (2) checking for threads that require cleanup or termination, and (3) special issues associated with Threadlocal variables.

Enumerating the Threads in Your Web Application

Getting a list of all threads in a web application is very simple. I will show you two ways to do it. I will demonstrate getting the list of threads in a Java-based web application running in a standard servlet container. (This solution will run in Jetty, Apache Tomcat, Apache JBoss (WildFly), GlassFish, IBM WebSphere, or Oracle WebLogic.)

Step 1: Create a Thread-Enumerating Servlet

By creating the enumeration solution as a servlet you will make it easier to get the results. (Yes, you could write it to catalina.out. However, you may have to ask an administrator for the file. And the contents may contain a lot more than you need, want, or have permission to see.)

package org.roderickbarnes.servlet;

import javax.servlet.ServletException;
import javax.servlet.annotation.WebServlet;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
import java.util.Map;

public class ThreadEnumerationServlet extends HttpServlet {
    protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest httpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse httpServletResponse) throws ServletException, IOException {
        // Tell the calling client what type of content will be returned (This is the mime type).
        PrintWriter printWriter = httpServletResponse.getWriter();

        // Get all stack traces
        Map<Thread, StackTraceElement[]> mapOfThreadToStackTraces = Thread.getAllStackTraces();
        for (Map.Entry<Thread, StackTraceElement[]> mapEntry : mapOfThreadToStackTraces .entrySet()) {
            Thread thread = mapEntry.getKey();
            StackTraceElement[] arrayOfStackTraceElement = mapEntry.getValue();
            printWriter.println("Thread Name: " + thread.getName());
            printWriter.println("Thread ID: " + thread.getId());
            printWriter.println("Thread State: " + thread.getState());
            printWriter.println("Thread Priority: " + thread.getPriority());
            printWriter.println("Is Daemon: " + thread.isDaemon());
            printWriter.println("Stack Trace:");
            for (StackTraceElement stackTraceElement : arrayOfStackTraceElement) {
                out.println("\t" + stackTraceElement);

Listing 1 – Servlet for listing threads in a web application.

The doGet method in the servlet fetches all live threads and their stack traces using Thread.getAllStackTraces(). It then prints the details of each thread to the servlet response. This step is an easy one. You can create your own glorious code. But move your thread management goals forward faster by copying the code above and pasting it into your IDE of choice.

Step 2: Registering and Deploying the Thread-Enumerating Servlet

Unless you are using annotations, update theweb.xmlof your web application or servlet container. An example is provided in Listing 2.


Listing 2 – Servlet deployment XML required for the web.xml file.

Deploy the web Application by doing the following:

  • Package your web application (WAR file) and deploy it to your servlet container server.
  • Ensure the servlet is correctly placed in the appropriate package (org.roderickbarnes.servlet in this case).

Step 3: Call the Servlet from Your Browser

Once deployed, you can access the servlet by navigating to http://your-server:port/your-app/enumerateThreads in your web browser. This will output the details of all active threads in your Tomcat application.

Pulling the Hanging Threads

Pulling Unstopped Threads

If you are creating threads manually, consider using ExecutorService from the java.util.concurrent package. This provides a better abstraction for managing threads, and you can easily shut down the executor service during application shutdown. Here are some of the benefits of using ExecutorService in your web application:

  • Thread Management – ExecutorService provides a clean and efficient way to manage a pool of threads, avoiding the overhead and risks associated with manually creating and managing threads. That is what this whole article is about. Using this service is a major move toward better thread management.
  • Graceful Shutdown – Proper handling of thread shutdown ensures that tasks are completed or terminated correctly, preventing resource leaks. ExecutorService facilitates graceful shutdown of your threads.
  • Concurrency Control – For those of us with a tendency toward micromanagement, the ExecutorService is a friend. You can control the number of concurrent tasks by configuring the thread pool size.

How would we use this service. Here below I provide you with the steps required to employ ExecutorService in the management of threads for your web application.

Step 1: Create a Thread Management Servlet that Uses ExecutorService

package org.roderickbarnes.servlet;

import javax.servlet.ServletContextEvent;
import javax.servlet.ServletContextListener;
import javax.servlet.annotation.WebListener;
import javax.servlet.annotation.WebServlet;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;
import java.util.concurrent.Executors;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;

public class TaskExecutorServlet extends HttpServlet {

    private ExecutorService executorService;

    private void setExecutorService(ExecutorService executorServiceNew) {
        this.executorService = executorServiceNew;

    private ExecutorService getExecutorService() {
        return this.executorService;

    public void init() {
        // Initialize the ExecutorService with a fixed thread pool
        executorServiceNew = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(17);


    protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse httpServletResponse) throws IOException {
        // Submit a task to the executor service
        this.getExecutorService().submit(() -> {
            try {
                // Simulate a task
                System.out.println("Task executed by thread: " + Thread.currentThread().getName());
                TimeUnit.SECONDS.sleep(2); // Simulate work with a sleep
            } catch (InterruptedException e) {

        httpServletResponse.getWriter().write("Task submitted");

    public void destroy() {
        // Shutdown the ExecutorService when the servlet is destroyed
        try {
            if (!this.getExecutorService().awaitTermination(60, TimeUnit.SECONDS)) {
                if (!this.getExecutorService().awaitTermination(60, TimeUnit.SECONDS)) {
                    System.err.println("ExecutorService did not terminate");
        } catch (InterruptedException ie) {

Listing 3 – Demonstrating the use of ExecutorService to manage threads

Step 2: Add a ServletContextListener

To ensure proper cleanup and initialization, it’s a good idea to use a ServletContextListener that handles the lifecycle of the ExecutorService. Note: This is not required but is recommended.


package org.roderickbarnes.servlet;

public class ExecutorServiceListener implements ServletContextListener {

    private ExecutorService executorService;

    private void setExecutorService(ExecutorService executorServiceNew) { 
        this.executorService = executorServiceNew; 

    private ExecutorService getExecutorService() { 
        return this.executorService; 
    public void contextInitialized(ServletContextEvent sce) {
        // Initialize the ExecutorService when the web application starts
        executorServiceNew = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(10);
        sce.getServletContext().setAttribute("executorService", this.getExecutorService());

    public void contextDestroyed(ServletContextEvent sce) {
        // Shutdown the ExecutorService when the web application stops
        ExecutorService executorServiceTemp = (ExecutorService) sce.getServletContext().getAttribute("executorService");
        if (executorServiceTemp != null) {
            try {
                if (!executorServiceTemp.awaitTermination(60, TimeUnit.SECONDS)) {
                    if (!executorService.awaitTermination(60, TimeUnit.SECONDS)) {
                        System.err.println("ExecutorService did not terminate");
            } catch (InterruptedException ie) {

Listing 4 – Demonstrating the use of ExecutorService to manage threads

Why is this a good practice? The ServletContextListener provides a centralized place (1) to initialize the ExecutorService when the web application starts and (2) to properly shut it down when the application stops. This ensures that the ExecutorService is consistently managed throughout the application’s lifecycle.

Step 3: Update your web.xml if you are not using annotations.



Listing 5 – Demonstrating the use of ExecutorService to manage threads

But how does all this work. Here, let me explain. There are four parts worth noting.

The Servlet Initialization Part – When the servlet is initialized (init method), an ExecutorService is created with a fixed thread pool of 17 threads. This means that up to 17 tasks can be executed concurrently.

The Handling Requests Part – Each time a request is made to the servlet’s /executeTask endpoint, a new task is submitted to the ExecutorService. The task simulates some work by sleeping for 2 seconds. In your web application you would have something that needs to be c concurrent and is germane to the user community or application’s needs.

The Servlet Destruction Part – When the servlet is destroyed (e.g., when the application is undeployed or the server is shut down), the ExecutorService is properly shut down. This ensures that all threads are terminated gracefully, avoiding potential memory leaks. Did you get that part?

The Context Listener Part (Optional) – The ExecutorServiceListener manages the lifecycle of the ExecutorService at the application level, ensuring it is available throughout the application’s lifecycle and cleaned up properly when the application is stopped.

Pulling Threads Hanging Due to ThreadLocal Variables Not Being Cleaned Up

Wherever you use ThreadLocal variables, make sure to call ThreadLocal.remove() when the variable is no longer needed, especially in the cleanup code of your application (e.g., in ServletContextListener or a similar lifecycle hook).

ThreadLocal<MyObject> threadLocalOfMyObject = new ThreadLocal<MyObject>();

try {
    // Setup the ThreadLocal object.
    threadLocalOfMyObject.set(new MyObject());

    // Use the ThreadLocal object.
} finally {
    threadLocalOfMyObject .remove();

Listing 6 – Using a Try-Catch Block to Ensure Removal of ThreadLocal Variables


This article has introduced you to some ways you can remediate thread issues in your web application. The ideas suggested here are not panaceas by any means. They are a few of many means for getting threads under control and bringing high intentionality to the management of resources. Among the things that should be considered are using the ExecutorService and ensuring that ThreadLocal variables are properly cleaned up. Before getting started with any plan to change how threads are being handled, use a tool like the one provided in Listing 1 to get your thread inventory.

In His grip by His grace,
Roderick L. Barnes, Sr.

In the Aftermath of Chastening Part 2 (Acts 5:12-16)

Continuity of Miraculous Power (Acts 5:12a)

With the conjunction and of and through the apostles hands (δὲ τῶν χειρῶν τῶν ἀποστόλων) of Acts 5:12, the material following the tragedy of Ananias and Sapphira (Acts 5:1-11) is tied to the record of what follows (Acts 5:12-16). In effect, using the coordinating conjunction, Luke tells the reader to look at Acts 5:12-16 in light of what has just happened and to see it as a continuation of the Spirit’s work. Notice the continuity.

Do not miss the fact that the power of the apostle’s anointing continued to be at work with many signs and wonders being done among the people. Do not miss the significance of their continued ability to do miracles.

The same Spirit that was at work in the separation of the liars is still at work in the support of the leaders.

Their credentials as approved men of God and authorities to whom the people must listen were in the many signs and wonders (John 10:38; 14:11). If you were struggling with what had happened, your confidence in the apostles would be restored daily by their godly character and their great ongoing power and willingness to help others free of charge. Through the continuity of miracles through the apostles, Christ was telling the church that He continued to be at work both in and through the apostles and that He approved of the outcome with Ananias and Sapphira.

Continuity of Unified Fellowship (Acts 5:12b)

See their cohesion and oneness; the people continued to be unified as a fellowship. It says that they were all with one accord in Solomon’s Porch. In light of verse 13 the all is certainly a reference to the known congregation prior to the event of Acts 5:1-11. That same group of people, minus two, is still meeting in Solomon’s Portico or colonnade.

Figure 1: Solomon’s Porch Concept Art – Covered area with columns

Thousands of people have come to faith since Pentecost; the outpouring of the Spirit was in a room where a 120 people could meet. There are too many people to meet in the upper room mentioned in Acts 2. The apostles have taken up the practice of Jesus (John 10:23); they go to an open place in the temple to meet with the people in a ministry of teaching and miracles.

Unity remained and the custom of coming together in the temple to hear the word continued. When the Lord cleanses His community, the problem is removed, and the people continue in unity. If a church community disintegrates on account of disobedience, it may be an indicator that the Lord is removing the lampstand (Matthew 5:13-16; Revelation 2:5) of that fellowship. Unity is important and after a tragic event it must be guarded and promoted. Why is unity important?

Unity is an indispensable attribute of fellowships that will be effective as witnesses in their communities (Acts 1:8; John 13:35; 17:21) and in the work for which we were saved (Ephesians 2:10; 4:15-16 Galatians 6:2). The ongoing unity made the Jerusalem fellowship fit for witnessing to the world and the work of building up one another. Prince among preachers, Charles Spurgeon (June 19, 1834 – January 31, 1892), puts the importance of unity in perspective:

Satan always hates Christian fellowship; it is his policy to keep Christians apart. Anything which can divide saints from one another he delights in. He attaches far more importance to godly fellowship than we do. Since union is strength, he does his best to promote separation. (Spurgeon, 1868).

The events of Acts 5:1-11 (chastening or church discipline) and Acts 5:12-16 (continued power and unity) are a lesson for the modern church. We are prone to permit and tacitly promote evil when we do not take an active stand against it in our fellowships. Why? We are fearful that we will lose membership, lose financial stability, and lose our ability to reach the surrounding community. But the truth is that the compromise of not confronting and cutting out willful sinning will grieve the Spirit and hence undermine out witness. We cannot bear fruit if we do not abide in His word. Acts 5:1-16 is telling our churches to not believe the lie of losing the church if we deal with sin. The truth is that we will lose our churches if we don’t deal with willful disobedience.

Evaluate and Embrace or EliminatePeople and things that underscore the importance of unity and undertake the ongoing challenge to protect and promote Christ-centered unity in our churches are of the Spirit and missional in nature. People and things that persistently undermine church unity are demonic and are used by the devil in his dogged determination to destroy men and the mission given the local church. Take inventory church. Evaluate and embrace everything that is found to be in the first category. Eliminate with extreme prejudice everything that falls into the second and everyone that, when confronted, will not repent.

In this regard I am especially qualified to say something. My journey with Jesus has included highs in ministry and times of dealing with disobedience in ways that have been painful, public, and yet absolutely necessary for the health of the fellowship… and my own walk with God. Now I am thankful. In the handling of sin in our fellowships we cannot forget the importance of grace, gentleness, and the goal of restoration. Let nothing be done toward the sinning brother or sister that does not take into account God’s grace toward us in Christ (Ephesians 4:32); recipients of grace must not forget their own history of rebellion and the great grace that brought about their repentance. Gentleness, if possible, should be shown toward those who have failed. Only when the sinning persons demonstrates an unwillingness to repent should fellowship be shut off and interactions be limited to what is absolutely necessary. Finally, we should aim for restoration. That means, although a period of separation or being sidelined is in order, we want to see our brothers and sisters back in fellowship and using their gifts for the glory of God and the good of others. Peter failed. After a time he was restored. The brother in Corinth failed. He needed to be put out for a time. But not permanently. He needed to be restored. Restoration should become part of our stories; otherwise our churches become characterized by the false notion that the members have not messed up and that failure is unforgivable and the end of fellowship — an anti-gospel of sorts.

Questions for Consideration

  1. Is the fear of repercussions preventing your fellowship from confronting sin issues in the congregation?
  2. Does the church have a history of helping a fallen brother or sister get back up?
  3. What message does it send to the surrounding community if the person who fails is sent away permanently?


Spurgeon, Charles H. (1868). Lectures to My Students. Marshall, Morgan & Scott.

In the Aftermath of Chastening Part 1 (Acts 5:12-16)

In the Aftermath of Chastening (Acts 5:12-16)

12 And through the hands of the apostles many signs and wonders were done among the people. And they were all with one accord in Solomon’s Porch. 13 Yet none of the rest dared join them, but the people esteemed them highly. 14 And believers were increasingly added to the Lord, multitudes of both men and women, 15 so that they brought the sick out into the streets and laid them on beds and couches, that at least the shadow of Peter passing by might fall on some of them. 16 Also a multitude gathered from the surrounding cities to Jerusalem, bringing sick people and those who were tormented by unclean spirits, and they were all healed.


What does a congregation do after events like the church discipline displayed with Ananias and Sapphira (Acts 5:1-11)? You could stop everything and get a consultant / counselor to come in and help everyone deal with the grief and fear that comes with (1) lying to the Spirit and (2) the Spirit’s abrupt removal of the liars. You could lose momentum and eventually have to shut things down. (In the denominations that I have served in such a response would involve contacting the district because the assets of the church actually belong to the denomination.) If you were in the Ananias camp you could convene a clandestine committee to replace Peter. (In light of most recent events, Peter is probably going to know. And may the Lord have mercy on you when you come to church.) Here is what the passage promotes:

1) Regard the church community and its individual members as sacred; do not bring into the bride of Christ worldly ways of getting ahead.

2) Acknowledge the anointing and authority of those appointed to lead. In the case of the apostles, their position and power in God’s work makes lying to them tantamount to lying to the Holy Spirit.

But what does a fellowship do after events like those recorded in Acts 5:1-11? In the writing of Luke we see that some things continue without change and one thing does not remain the same.

Questions for Consideration

  1. Do you interact with your local congregation as a sacred community or something common?
  2. While our local church leaders are not supernaturally able to discern the truth about things on their own, the Spirit can give them insights into things that would not otherwise be known. In your work with your leadership and other Christians are you mindful of the Spirit’s presence?

Circle of Fifths Studies

Using the Circle of Fifths to Find 1-4-5 Chords

Majors and Relative Minors

Using the Circle of Fifths to Create Compositions

Major Scale for a Given Key
The Key C D
The First Three Chords are Major Chords F, C, G G, D, A
The Second Three Chords are Minor Chords D, A, E Em, Bm, F#m
The Last Chord is the Diminished Chord B D



Sherrill, Brian. (2021, April 9). Circle of Fifths Explained (for Guitar) [Video].

Dealing with Disrespect

Are you regularly being disrespected by someone? Do you want to know why? Have a seat.
The content of their heart is being made manifest. “As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he.” (Proverbs 23:7) They are disrespectful because they are full of disrespect. The overflow or outworking of what is in their heart becomes obvious in conversation, obvious in conduct, and obvious in a continual disregard for your person.
What do you do in a situation like this? Forgive. Forgive them even as God through Christ has forgiven you (Ephesians 4:32). (Remembering the ways I have disrespected God helps me to forgive those who disrespect me. Remembering His forgiveness helps me put their trespass in perspective. History says, when I am willing to admit it, I am not better than the person disrespecting me.) Love. Love them in high quality service that is aimed at pleasing God and promoting faith in Christ. Respect. Respect them even if they disrespect you. Do not stoop to their level or take a break from following Jesus on account of their bad behavior. And then, if God allows, respectfully and humbly remove yourself from the situation.
In church history there are examples of people that were mistreated and but still returned kindness. They were disrespected and yet remained undaunted in doing right by their assailants. Here are three of them:
  • Joseph (Genesis 50:20) – He was sold into slavery by his brothers. Later he chose to deal with them through the perspective of his purpose and God’s grace.
  • David (1 Samuel 24:3-7) – The shepherd boy was relentlessly hunted by an insecure leader. Instead of making the most of his enemy’s vulnerable moment, David extends grace based on his reverence for God. Although repeatedly disrespected, David treats Saul with dignity and respect.
  • Stephen (Acts 6-7) – This man is the first recorded martyr of the church. When he is being falsely accused and then executed, he offers forgiveness. Notice that Stephen offers forgiveness not based on perfect apologies but based on the leading of the Spirit of Christ in Him.
Doing right by people who are doing us wrong is important. Showing kindness when people are unkind is part of the calling that is on our lives (1 Peter 3:9; Matthew 5:44). For those of us following Jesus, this is our family heritage and the mind and manner of Christ Himself (Isaiah 53:7; 1 Peter 2:23; Matthew 27:12-14).
In His grip by His grace,
Roderick L. Barnes, Sr.
P.S. Let no one think that the author of this post is above what is being written. My stuff stinks too. There are times when I am the person that has to repent of being disrespectful.

Missional Living — Being Relevant (Acts 5:17-21)

What do you do when godly people are being mistreated for believing in Jesus? What do you do when a men are incarcerated for daring to tell the truth about the fallenness of humanity, the great grace of God toward Man through the Son, and the availability of forgiveness and new life through faith? Our answer to this question is an indicator of whether or not our faith is functional and relevant or dysfunctional and inconsequential. Before you recoil at that statement and set this book aside forever, read this chapter. If, after reading this, you do not agree with what is being presented here, I will personally refund the money you paid for this book.

The Reaction of the Religious (Acts 5:17-18; John 12:42-43)

17 Then the high priest rose up, and all those who were with him (which is the sect of the Sadducees), and they were filled with indignation, 18 and laid their hands on the apostles and put them in the common prison.

This is now the second time the Sadducees, a group of people that do not believe in the resurrection (Matthew 22:23; Luke 20:27; Acts 23:8), have been provoked. Once again they have been incited into action by the preaching and teaching ministries of the apostles. This is the second time the apostles have irked them. In the first instance the marvelous healing and subsequent rejoicing of a well-known temple beggar occasioned an audience (Acts 3:7-10). Peter and John publicly refused to accept credit and attributed the miracle to the power of the risen Jesus of Nazareth (Acts 3:12-16). The crowd is listening to the apostles as they used the platform created by the healing to proclaim the gospel. During the preaching that followed the captain of the temple seized upon Peter and John and put them in custody until the next day (Acts 4:1-3). However, when brought out for a trial, Peter did some seizing of his own; the fisher of men seized the moment for the glory of God. In bold fashion the Galilean’s response to the question of how the man was healed

(i) indicts Israel’s leadership for the murder of the Lord (Acts 4:10),

(ii) declares the resurrection of Jesus and His position of prophesied importance (Acts 4:11) , and

(iii) promotes forgiveness of sins through faith in Jesus Himself (Acts 4:12).

In that first case the Sanhedrin did not repent. Instead they commanded the ignorant and untrained cult leaders (Acts 4:13) to stop witnessing for Jesus (Acts 4:17-18). Do you remember how Peter responded? Peter made it clear that he was not going to keep that command (Acts 4:19-20) and so, in the face of the blatant disregard for their directive, they threatened him… and then let he and John go (Acts 4:21).

Acts 5:17 — Here we are again. But it is worse this time. The same group, the high priest and all those who were with him (which is the sect of the Sadducees) have been watching as the prohibition on preaching Jesus went unheeded. Teaching and preaching keep happening. That is, the apostles continue declaring (1) that Jesus is the Christ promised by God through the prophets and validated by God through miracles signs and wonders, (2) forgiveness is available to everyone who repents and comes to God through faith in Jesus, (3) resurrection from the dead to a reward lies ahead for those who have trusted Jesus, and (4) the Holy Spirit is given to those who will obey God in the command to believe in Jesus (Ephesians 1:13). They were told to stop but did not. And now more people than ever know the truth. What truth?

  • The Truth about the Messiah – God has sent the Messiah in accordance with numerous prophecies. He was born of the seed of David (Luke 3:23-38), in the town of Bethlehem (Micah 5:2; Matthew 2:6; Luke 2:11), and through a virgin (Genesis 3:15; Isaiah 7:14). He was the rabble-rousing rabbi from Nazareth: Jesus.
  • The Truth about His Murder – He was crucified but was raised from the dead on the third day. When the leadership could not stop the growing influence of Jesus they colluded to have him put to death – the aforementioned crucifixion. Although he had committed no sin, Jesus was sentenced to die as a criminal in the shameful and painful death of a cross. The Roman official Pontius Pilate, realizing that Jesus was innocent, tried to let him go. The Sadducees (and Pharisees) were not having it. The religious leaders guided the people into demanding Jesus’ death (Matthew 27:20; Mark 15:11; Luke 23:13-23).

It was too much for people who were preoccupied with the self-promotion and protection of their own vain glory (John 12:42-43). Upon hearing that the Galileans were still promoting the resurrection, railing against their murder of the Christ, and preaching to get decisions about Jesus, they are filled with indignation (ζήλουJohn 2:17; Acts 13:35). They cannot bear the assertions about the ousted Rabbi and are wholly unprepared for the brazen disregard for their authority, the bold disrespect of teaching a forbidden doctrine in their house, and the lambasting declaration that they are murderers.

Here we are again. But this time it is different. How? Notice, friend, that in the company of people coming into Solomon’s colonnade is the high priest himself. This is new; he did not come with the arresting party last time. This time he is not delegating the operation to the temple captain and his law-enforcing cohort. His anger is so hot that he has personally come to help make the arrest and make sure that they get all of the apostles – not just Peter and John.

18 and laid their hands on the apostles and put them in the common prison.

Acts 5:18 — Having apprehended the rebellion leadership they put them in the common prison (τηρήσει δημοσίᾳ). It could be that the prior place of imprisonment was full or not large enough for the twelve. However, I believe that it was likely an attempt to make a public example of the apostle’s defiance. This will prove to be a mistake.

The Relevance in the Rescue (Acts 5:19-20)

19 But at night an angel of the Lord opened the prison doors and brought them out, and said, 20 “Go, stand in the temple and speak to the people all the words of this life.”

An angel of the Lord briefly enters the narrative. The but of Acts 5:19 tells the reader that the angel’s actions are to be seen as a response to the imprisonment. Who is he? Is it Gabriel? He does have a history of bringing a message of encouragement to people that are distraught or needing answers (Daniel 8:15-17; 9:21-23; Luke 1:11-13; 18-19; 26-28). We are not given a name. In fact, Luke is especially frugal in describing the apostles’ visitor. There is no mention made of his name, no intimation of a shining face (Matthew 28:3), and no hint of amazing apparel (Mark 16:5; John 20:12; Luke 24:4; Acts 1:10). But what he does say goes beyond the mere relating of historical events to challenge and encourage us today. The angel, a servant of God ministering to those who will inherit salvation (Hebrews 1:14), provides a practical example of what to do for our brothers and sisters in peril.

  • He was Real in their Misery — They have the indwelling Holy Spirit. And so they are not alone (John 14:18). And the Lord has the power to speak a word and make something happen from a distance; the prison could have been opened remotely. And the message given them could have been communicated with dreams and visions. But at this time these men do not need a vision; they need a visit. Their public incarceration was personal. More than a vision they need a visitor. Someone needs to go in person out of their way to see them in prison.
  • He Released Them — The ministry of this ministering spirit goes beyond an appearance and words of encouragement. Their problem is not psychological. Our apostles are not theologically incarcerated. These men of God are actually incarcerated and what they need, in order to be effective witnesses at this time, is to be released. These men do not need hypothetical help or mere words; they require a liberation. The angel brings actual aid in the form of a real release.
  • He Reminded Them of Their Mission — The spirit indeed is willing but the flesh is weak. And where it seems unnecessary to say certain things, it is certain that certain things need to be said. Perhaps some of these men have never been to jail. And maybe some of them have never been handled roughly. It would be easy for them to get caught up in the turmoil of their own emotions and take some time to recuperate. But Heaven has a point to make and these men need to make their appointment. The world has need of their words (John 17:18-20; Luke 10:16; John 21:15-17). The angel directs them to get back to the work they were called to, the work needed by the people, the ministry of speaking the words of this life.

It is not enough to tell people that we are praying for them. It is not enough to wish that people get well, or to want them to be encouraged during their incarceration (or hospitalization). It is not enough to send money. There comes a time for those who name the name of Christ to get up from the pews and go to the place where their brethren are being held. Why? To speak words of encouragement. To remind them that they are loved on earth as well as in Heaven (Matthew 25:36). And, if it is proper and possible, to set them free.

Figure 1 – What would it look like for you to visit someone in prison and be an encouragement?

Questions for Consideration

  1. Do I know of anyone that is currently incarcerated for their faith in Christ, suffering for serving Jesus, or dealing with the consequences of godly civil disobedience? Is it that there is no one or that I have not taken the time to find out who they are and where they are?
  2. What does God want me to do for those who are in trouble? The answer is seen in Jesus Himself (John 3:16; Matthew 20:28) and the angel of this passage.
  3. If I cannot go to the persons in peril or prison, what others ways can reach them with relevant aid and encouragement to remain engaged in what God has called them to do?

The Righteous Rebellion and the Clueless Council (Acts 5:21)

21 And when they heard that, they entered the temple early in the morning and taught. But the high priest and those with him came and called the council together, with all the elders of the children of Israel, and sent to the prison to have them brought.

The visit was not in vain. The apostles heard the words and heeded them. There would be no retreating to recuperate. Instead there would be a relentless charge against the gates of hell through the spoken word (Acts 5:20). The lesson of Lazarus was with the Lord’s men. They are now living in the fulness of a righteous rebellion. And what about the hard-nosed high priest and his council?

[T]he high priest and those with him are the Sadducees. Again, they are a group that does not believe in angels, spirits, or resurrection (Acts 23:8). All of those with the high priest are an ungodly clique clinging desperately to a weakening grip on the people; they are afraid of losing power (John 11:48). The disturbance that started with Jesus was not quelled with His execution. In has gotten worse. The troublemakers have been arrested and the Sadducees have called the council together, with all the elders of the children of Israel. We can imagine that they are seated in semicircle. Many of them are dressed in ornate and expensive long robes (Mark 12:38; Acts 22:20). This was the supreme court and legislative body in ancient Israel; this council (συνέδριον) is The Great Sanhedrin. It was composed of 71 members and included the high priest, the elders of the people, and a select group of scribes. This is new. Compare this gathering with the last time the high priest was present to judge the apostles. What changed?

  • Increased Arrests – In the prior gathering only two apostles were arrested: Peter and John. This time all of them have been arrested.
  • Increased Formality – In the prior gathering it was the high priest and his family (Acts 4:5) – Sadducees. This time it is the Sanhedrin. The two main doctrinal camps of the Jewish religious leadership are both present.

Tensions are escalating. The seriousness of the conflict and anger is growing. We have gone from an informal court of the high priest’s family and friends to a formal supreme court hearing. Now that the court membership has convened they are ready to bring the accused to stand trial. And so the Sanhedrin sent to the prison to have the apostles brought before them.

Just like Jesus, the apostles have an adversarial relationship with bad religious leadership. They were commanded to stop. But they have defied that decree. Just like Jesus, the apostles’ defiance and determination to persist in teaching the truth with signs supporting their message (Acts 4:30) is aggravating their adversaries and turning into a trial. And then there is you. Yes, you!

If you are following Jesus, this is where you are headed. But you don’t want conflict? Any attempt to have Christ and not have conflict with the world is futile (John 15:18; 2 Timothy 3:12). You cannot have one without the other. To be led by the Spirit of Christ is to be at odds with a world that is led by another spirit (Ephesians 2:2).

And do not miss that the council does not (1) receive the message or (2) know what God is doing for his messengers. They are like Herod looking for the Christ Child in the wrong places. They sent to have the apostles brought from the prison. But they are not in the prison. And, again, then there is you. Yes, you!

Attempts to control your message, cut off your ministry, and imprison the messenger only work insofar as God wants them to. He is the one in control. And you have one job. Be His witness (Acts 1:8). Be His witness before the people who want and need to hear the gospel. Be his witness before the court when called to give an answer for your ongoing efforts to promote Christ.

Questions for Consideration

  1. What can I expect to happen if I follow the example of Jesus and the apostles in declaring the truth?
  2. What is going to happen if I am told to stop preaching Christ? Bear in mind that the apostles received a special word on continuing in their ministry (Acts 5:20).
  3. Does the Lord care about the people that are trying to prevent gospel preaching (Ezekiel 18:23; 33:11; Luke 19:41-42)?

Jmix Timers and Web Application Usage Logging


Logging and auditing are important aspects of web application security and monitoring. The former, when it is done well, makes the latter easy. That is, if our web applications feature good logging, it will be easier for us to audit the activity of users and system components. When we can efficiently (without great programming effort and with computational efficiency) audit when a user opened a screen, when they pressed a button, when they created a record, when they updated a record, when they deleted a record, and when they exited a screen, it is straightforward to answer questions about application usage. The dashboard seen in Figure 1 was created based on usage data captured in the background as users interact with a web application.


This post is a first look at using the Timer facet of Jmix to facilitate the automated capture of application module usage. It is a short read with documented code demonstrating an uncomplicated way to add auditing to your application today. By the end you will know how to do the following:

  • Add a logging service to your Spring Boot application
  • Capture log events and push them to the database
  • Ensure that the capture time is in the time of the user and not the database or application server.

The Logging Database Tables

We will put our logging events into a relational database. (In this post will will use PostgreSQL. However, you can use in RBDMS you like. Just make sure that you can find JDBC drivers that will work with your Spring Boot web application server.) We have four tables. They are shown in an ERD in the Figure 2.

Figure 2 — Jmix Logging ERD

The SQL script for creating these tables is shown in Listing 1.


CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS bifref_application_component (
    application_component_id character varying(255) NOT NULL,
    application_component_type character varying(255) NOT NULL,
    name character varying(255) NOT NULL,
    description character varying(1000)
    CONSTRAINT pk_bifref_application_component PRIMARY KEY (application_component_id)

CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS bifref_application_event(
    application_event_id uuid NOT NULL,
    application_event_type_id character varying(255) NOT NULL,
    username character varying(255) NOT NULL,
    event_start timestamp without time zone NOT NULL,
    event_stop timestamp without time zone NOT NULL,
    version integer NOT NULL,
    application_component_id character varying(255) NOT NULL,
    CONSTRAINT pk_bifref_application_event PRIMARY KEY (application_event_id),
    CONSTRAINT fk_bifref_application_component 
        FOREIGN KEY (application_component_id)
        REFERENCES bifref_application_component (application_component_id) 
    CONSTRAINT fk_bifref_application_event_type 
        FOREIGN KEY (application_event_type_id)
        REFERENCES bifref_application_event_type (application_event_type_id) 

CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS bifref_application_event_type (
     application_event_type_id character varying(255) NOT NULL,
     name character varying(255) NOT NULL, 
     description character varying(1000),
     CONSTRAINT pk_bifref_application_event_type PRIMARY KEY (application_event_type_id)

Listing 1 – SQL script for creating logging tables.

The SQL script in Listing 1 will help you create the tables required for this post. You can rename them to whatever you want but need to remember that the names provided are part of a working solution. Also, the tables were modeled in Jmix’s data model visual designer. (It makes it easier to maintain the design if we leverage the design features of the Jmix plugin.)

The Logging Service in Spring Boot

Logging of application events is handled by a service. In Listing 2 we provide the code for an application event logging service.


import com.bif.azurereference.entity.ApplicationComponent;
import com.bif.azurereference.entity.ApplicationEvent;
import com.bif.azurereference.entity.ApplicationEventType;
import com.bif.azurereference.entity.EnumerationApplicationComponentType;
import io.jmix.core.DataManager;
import io.jmix.core.NoResultException;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Service;

import java.time.LocalDateTime;
import java.time.OffsetDateTime;
import java.util.UUID;

public class ApplicationEventLoggingService {

    private DataManager dataManager;

    public DataManager getDataManager() {
        return this.dataManager;

    public ApplicationEvent logApplicationEvent(
            UUID uuidApplicationEventID,
            String stringApplicationEventTypeID,
            String stringApplicationComponentID,
            String stringApplicationComponentType,
            String stringUsername,
            LocalDateTime localDateTimeEventStart,
            LocalDateTime localDateTimeEventStop
        ) {

         * Step 1: Load referenced application event type.
        ApplicationEventType applicationEventType = null;
        try {
            applicationEventType = this.getDataManager().load(ApplicationEventType.class).id(stringApplicationEventTypeID).one();
        } catch (NoResultException noResultException) {
            System.out.println("No event type found for " + stringApplicationEventTypeID);

        // If the event type does not exist, create it.
        if (applicationEventType == null) {

            applicationEventType = new ApplicationEventType();



            try {
            } catch (Exception e) {
                throw new RuntimeException(e);


         * Step 2: Load referenced application component.
        ApplicationComponent applicationComponent = null;
        try {
            applicationComponent = this.getDataManager().load(ApplicationComponent.class).id(stringApplicationComponentID).one();
        } catch (NoResultException noResultException) {
            System.out.println("No component found for " + stringApplicationComponentID);

        // If the application component does not exist, create it.
        if (applicationComponent == null) {
            applicationComponent = new ApplicationComponent();

         * Step 4: If a primary key was not passed, create it.
        if (uuidApplicationEventID == null) {
            uuidApplicationEventID = UUID.randomUUID();

         * Step 5: Create the object.
        ApplicationEvent applicationEvent = this.getDataManager().create(ApplicationEvent.class);

         * Step 6: Save the object.

         * Step 7: Return the object.
        return applicationEvent;

    public ApplicationEvent updateApplicationEvent(
            ApplicationEvent applicationEvent
    ) {
         * Step 1: Get the application event identifier.
        UUID uuid = applicationEvent.getApplicationEventID();

         * Step 2: Find the application event in the database.
        ApplicationEvent applicationEventTemp = this.getDataManager().load(ApplicationEvent.class).id(uuid).one();

        if (applicationEventTemp != null) {

         * Step 2: Return the object.
        return applicationEventTemp;

Listing 2 – Java Code for an application vent logging service.

The Timer and Capturing Usage Events

Timer is component of Jmix defined in the facets element an application screen. Specifically, it will be in the screen XML descriptor. The configuration of a Timer through the XML is done through three attributes: delay, autostart, and repeating.

Parameter Name Required? Desciption
delay Yes This is the timer interval in milliseconds.
autostart No indicates whether or not the timer will start automatically. The default setting is false; when autostart is set to false the timer will start only when its start() method is invoked. When it is set to true, the timer starts immediately after the screen opening. This parameter is optional.
repeating No Turns on repeated executions of the timer. If the attribute is set to true, the timer runs in cycles at equal intervals defined in the delay attribute. Otherwise, the timer runs only once as many milliseconds as specified in the delay attribute after the timer start. This parameter is optional.








Ensure that Captured Time is in the Time of the User





Using Your Setbacks to Spring Forward Part 3 (Acts 8:1-8)

2 And devout men carried Stephen to his burial, and made great lamentation over him. 3 As for Saul, he made havoc of the church, entering every house, and dragging off men and women, committing them to prison.

The vile and violent victory of the liars and haters that killed Stephen was the start of an uprising against Greek-speaking Jesus followers in Jerusalem. But in the midst of all the growing animosity toward the first Christians, some people took time to feel. Although it was inconvenient and more than a little dangerous, devout men took time to say “I love you, Stephen” and saw to the burial of his broken body. And they wept greatly for their fallen brother.

The decision to mourn our martyrs matters. In the time intentionally set aside to be sorrowful we recognize the loss, reflect on their light, and thereby also become reinforced in our resolve to live more like them (Ecclesiastes 7:2-4).

Taking time to mourn our fallen heroes, good friends, and light-bearing leaders is part of (1) respecting them, (2) thanking God for their contribution to our lives, and (3) beginning the process of good changes in the heart, and (4) picking up where they left off. As we embrace the loss and think on their legacy, we can be led into deeper commitments, repentance, and revival. For those of us who want to move in the direction of being better persons, good grieving is key. Consider the words of Solomon on the matter:

2 Better to go to the house of mourning

   Than to go to the house of feasting,

   For that is the end of all men;

   And the living will take it to heart.

3 Sorrow is better than laughter,

   For by a sad countenance the heart is made better.

4 The heart of the wise is in the house of mourning,

   But the heart of fools is in the house of mirth.

The house of mourning, in the passage above, is the place and time dedicated to grieving the loss of someone. We go to that house when we choose to mourn our dead. This is better than trying to cope with their loss through escapes into pleasure or the decision to go to places dedicated to feeding the flesh (house of feasting). Why? Solomon goes on to explain that the dead we mourn have gone where we too are going: “For that is the end of all men,” he says. While we are still alive, we can be fundamentally changed for the better if we will intentionally go look upon the fact that our time is short and that we cannot escape death. When the living look intentionally at the loss of life it affects them profoundly… they taken to heart (Ecclesiastes 7:2).

The decision to mourn the loss of Stephen was a decision to become better men through grief. Their faces and voices visibly expressed the excruciating pain of parting ways with a beloved brother. The text says they made great lamentation over him (Acts 8:2). But notices what Solomon says about this:

3 Sorrow is better than laughter,

   For by a sad countenance the heart is made better.

In this moment the mourners are being made better. They are facing facts and their hearts, the place from which spring our words, work (Matthew 12:34; Luke 6:45), and the issues of life (Proverbs 4:23), are being refined.

Questions for Consideration

  1. Are you taking time to mourn the losses of loved one and important relationships? Why would you intentionally enter the sadness of thinking over someone’s life and the loss? (Ecclesiastes 7:2-4; 1 Corinthians 11:23-26)
  2. Can you think of someone that you have loss that had a trait that you admired or work that you appreciated? What would it look like for you to embrace the pain of their departure, think soberly about your eventually end on earth, and then prayerfully consider how you might continue their work?

It was an act of real courage to take time to mourn the loss of Stephen. Jewish law forbade funeral observances for condemned criminals; Stephen had been the victim of mob violence and those who stoned him surely viewed him as a blasphemer and law breaker. They will look for his friends, associates, and family. The courage of these devout men is a reminder of the similar valor shown by Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus in the burial of Jesus (Matthew 27:57-60; Mark 15:42-46; Luke 23:50-54; John 19:38).

The Leading Persecutor of the Church (Acts 8:3; 26:9-11; Galatians 1:13)

Saul, is at work fanning this flame into a blaze. He leads the charge against the Jesus followers by going methodically from home to home, and from synagogue to synagogue to persecute them. The description of his activities is called havoc in Acts 8:3. It carries the meaning of the damage caused by a wild animal. He reflects on his violence toward the church later in life:

And I punished them often in every synagogue and compelled them to blaspheme; and being exceedingly enraged against them, I persecuted them even to foreign cities. (Acts 26:11, NKJV)

Leading the work of hurting the church was the young man who had stood with the clothes of those who stoned Stephen. He was not content to support Stephen’s death; he obtained permission to pursue people that tried to run away while continuing to promote faith in Jesus:

The prime agent in the repressive campaign was Saul of Tarsus, who now carried into more effective action the attitude to the new movement which he had displayed at the stoning of Stephen. Armed with the necessary authority from the chief-priestly leaders of the Sanhedrin, he harried the church, arresting its members in their own homes and sending them off to prison. A zealot for the ancestral traditions of his nation, he saw that the new faith menaced those traditions. Drastic action was called for: these people, he thought, were not merely misguided enthusiasts whose sincere embracing of error called for patient enlightenment; they were deliberate impostors, proclaiming that God had raised from the tomb to be Lord and Messiah a man whose manner of death was sufficient to show that the divine curse rested on him. (Bruce, 1988, p. 163)

From his perspective the Jesus followers had to be stopped. And he was going to do it.

Moving On with the Message (Acts 8:4)

4 Therefore those who were scattered went everywhere preaching the word.

The consequence of the persecution is a scattering of the believers (Acts 8:2, 4). With their scattering the word of God is also scattered. The gospel of Jesus Christ is now being preached everywhere. In particular it is now being proclaimed in those places (Judea and Samaria) that Jesus wanted to reach (Acts 1:8).

They were scattered like one scatters seed. But scattered seeds grow, Christian. See the irony! The persecution and scattering of the Christians only led to the growing of the movement. With the dispersal of the Hellenist Christians, the fulfillment of the second phase of Jesus’ commission began—the witness to all Judea and Samaria (8:1b; cf. 1:8).

Learn to look at life through the lens of the Lord’s program. In that view nothing is wasted and the things that seem like setbacks are actually used to spring forward in doing His will (Romans 5:1-5; 8:28).

The Principle of Persisting (Acts 8:4)

The nation of Israel had been dispersed among the Gentiles (James 1:1). Through that scattering of God’s people other nations came to know about God’s plan to bring them salvation through the King of the Jews (Matthew 2:1-2; John 4:19, 25). Now the new people of God are being dispersed among the nations. But what will they do among the nations? Be witnesses, of course!

The church had grown extensively; it was to grow more than ever, but now by being spread abroad. Luke’s figures and further notes about the growth make the estimate of 25,000 believers in and near Jerusalem at the time of Stephen’s martyrdom seem conservative. The persecution aimed to destroy the infant church; in the providence of God it did the very opposite. It started a great number of new congregations especially in all of Palestine, each becoming a living center from which the gospel radiated into new territory even as Jesus had traced its course by adding after Jerusalem “all Judea and Samaria” (1:8). (Lenski, 1961, p. 311)

Over the nearly two years since Pentecost (33 AD) thousands of Jesus followers have been trained by the apostles to pursue holiness, present the gospel, and mentor others in following Jesus. They have been empowered, equipped, and educated in evangelism and discipleship. It is time for the highly trained church to be deployed. Luke says that the response of the church was logical; Therefore (οὖν) those who were scattered went everywhere preaching the word (Acts 8:4). What else could they do? Witnessing, for the Christian, is not activity; it is an essential identity (Acts 1:8; Deuteronomy 6:4; Isaiah 43:12; 44:8). When they could not be accepted for who they are, they go elsewhere in their new identity.

Figure 2 – Dr. Alejandro Mandes talks with our youth about Joshua 1:8-9. He comes to us in
his identity as a person who explains the word of God and promotes faithfulness to Christ.

How would you respond? Before you answer, consider what Jesus means by giving the Holy Spirit. It was not to simply facilitate activity; he baptized the new believers of Jerusalem into Himself to give them a new essential identity:

  • Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new. (2 Corinthians 5:17, NKJV)
  • For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision nor uncircumcision avails anything, but a new creation. (Galatians 6:15, NKJV)

That identity is not a function of location. They are new creations wherever they go. And so the new creation of God has just been scattered abroad. This is what Jesus wanted (Matthew 10:23). The setback of persecution was a setup to spring forward in the mission of taking the gospel to the world.

Questions for Consideration

  • Am I regularly taking time to think about what Christ did for me?
  • Can I see God’s hand in moving me from one place to another?
  • How can I bring the message to the places He has moved me?


Bruce, F. F. (1988). The Book of the Acts. Grand Rapids, MI: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co.

Lenski, R. C. H. (1961). The Interpretation of the Acts of the Apostles. Minneapolis, MN: Augsburg Publishing House.

Using Your Setbacks to Spring Forward Part 2 (Acts 8:1-8)

1 Now Saul was consenting to his death. At that time a great persecution arose against the church which was at Jerusalem; and they were all scattered throughout the regions of Judea and Samaria, except the apostles. (Acts 8:1, NKJV)

Saul (Σαῦλος) was consenting to the death of Stephen (Acts 7:60). The word translated consenting comes from the verb συνευδοκέω; it can mean either approval and support (Luke 11:48; Romans 1:32) or merely a willingness to accept (1 Corinthians 7:12, 13). When Saul, years later, recounts this event to his Jewish brethren he sheds additional light on what his consenting meant:

19 So I said, ‘Lord, they know that in every synagogue I imprisoned and beat those who believe on You. 20 And when the blood of Your martyr Stephen was shed, I also was standing by consenting to his death, and guarding the clothes of those who were killing him.’ (Acts 22:19-20, NKJV)

In his own words Saul says that consenting was more than a passive acceptance of what was being done to Stephen. His approving attitude toward the martyrdom of Stephen was accompanied by the action of assisting Stephen’s executioners. In order to be unhindered in stoning Stephen they disrobed. Some of those expensive items would have been stolen if not for the role that Saul played. In this way, working as a guard over the clothes, the young Saul aided in the brutal murder of the Lord’s servant Stephen (7:58). While the Sanhedrin murdered a godly man, Saul made sure that they were able to do so without fear of someone stealing the clothing that they had taken off; elaborate robes and costly religious garb would interfere with stone casting.

The martyrdom of Stephen was the beginning of an outbreak: At that time a great persecution arose against the church which was at Jerusalem. Literally the text reads, “There, also, arose in that day a great persecution came upon the church” (Ἐγένετο δὲ ἐν ἐκείνῃ τῇ ἡμέρᾳ διωγμὸς μέγας ἐπὶ τὴν ἐκκλησίαν). The conjunction after the verb (δὲ) shows either contrast or continuation. In this case it is continuation; what began with Stephen expands into an all out assault on the church which was at Jerusalem. Hell broke loose!

Am I being crass by saying “Hell broke loose?” No. The church, empowered by Jesus and led by an ignorant and untrained fisherman (Acts 4:13), has been assaulting the gates of hell… and winning.

18 And I also say to you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My church, and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it. (Matthew 16:18, NKJV)

Indeed, it is more appropriate to say that the Savior has been using surrendered souls as soldiers in a siege on dead religion, hypocrisy, and in His mission to set captives free. Crucifixion did not stop Jesus; but He was just One. Threatening Peter and John did not stop Jesus; they were two. Arresting and beating the apostles did not stop Jesus; they were twelve. This persecution could have been predicted as the anxious response to growing number of Jesus followers; now there are thousands of Jesus followers.

On account of this great persecution on the church the believers were all scattered throughout the regions of Judea and Samaria. Yes! Once again the enemy is exploited to execute the plan. Let me say that again. The enemy of God is being exploited in the plan of God. Look back to the beginning of Acts.

8 But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth. (Acts 1:8, NKJV)

Where were the people scattered? They were scattered to the places that the Lord wanted to go! The persecution was being used to push the people of God into the places that Jesus had already said they would go with the message of reconciliation.

Persecution is used by God to further His own plan. The attempts of the enemy to hurt saints and hinder the church will actually help with what God is doing to sanctify His people and advance His own agenda. The setbacks intended by the enemy of setups for springing forward.

Are there people persecuting you because your light interferes with their evil plan? God is going to use the persecution to further his plan and your faith (Genesis 50:20) and reveal that you are in His will. Abide in Him and do not believe for a moment that this is not going to be used for His glory and your good (Romans 8:28).

Questions for Consideration

  1. Is persecution pushing you in a certain direction or to a different place? Is it possible that the persecution is being used by God to promote a plan that He has already revealed and to move a saint into another place needing your light?
  2. When was the last time you sat with the Lord to review what He has revealed as His plan for you? Are you afraid that persecution will stop His plan from coming true? Talk with Him about your fear and make sure that you are not trying to make His plan happen. He will.
  3. Who do you hang with? Are those people going to help you stand strong in your day of trial?

This small group helps me make it through tough times. (Darlene and Rich and Susan Whiteheads are normally present.)