
Missional Living – To Boldly Go! Part 4 (Acts 4:31)

31 And when they had prayed, the place where they were assembled together was shaken; and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit, and they spoke the word of God with boldness.

The answer from Heaven was immediate. As if to say “Let’s shake things up,” the place where they were assembled together was shaken. It says that they were then all filled with the Holy Spirit. This was not a new anointing or fresh anointing as it is called in some circles. The same anointing they had received earlier, in response to the request and renewed surrender, is active in them with expression. What expression? They spoke the word of God in the boldness that they had requested.

But we are made to might ask, (1) why was the building shaken and (2) why is that not happening today when we ask for boldness? First, we must see that a sign was being used as an indicator of a spiritual response. What response, then, is being indicated? When you and I gather to request boldness and backing signs for a ministry that aligns with the mission of witnessing, God answers. The building was shaken as a sign that their prayer was being answered.

Second, for those of us who ask why this is not happening today, we are mistaken. The Spirit is still being poured out on people who believe just as He was poured out on Pentecost; the signs of rushing wind sounds and flaming tongues, however, are no longer needed. Each time a believer receives Jesus the Holy Spirit is given to them (Ephesians 1:13). With the Jews the sign of the promise of the Holy Spirit being provided was heard and seen and experienced as rushing wind, flaming tongues of fire above their heads, and speaking in other tongues respectively. A similar type of sign was given when the Gentiles received Christ (Acts 10:44-48). What was the sign? Gentiles, also known as the uncircumcised, spoke in tongues.

Speaking in tongues was sufficient sign for the circumcised (Jews) to believe that the same spiritual work that had been done in them was now happening in the uncircumcised (Gentiles). There is no mention of the sound of a rushing mighty wind or tongues of fire upon the heads of the Gentiles that heard Peter preach. It was not needed; speaking in tongues was enough to convince Peter and his fellow Jews that the Gentiles had been accepted by Jesus (Acts 10:46). Going forward Jews do not have flaming tongues above their heads when they receive Christ and Gentiles do not erupt in tongues. The purpose of the signs had been served; they had indicated spiritual realities that, when regarded rightly, affect the outlook and conduct of the witnesses. There are times in Scripture where a sign is used to indicate that something spiritual has taken place without seeking to make it normative. That is, there are instances of God performing a work in a special way so as to reveal how He will work in the future in a world we cannot readily perceive. Going forward He continues to do the work but without the sign.

Here is the point, beloved. Pray for boldness and backing signs for the mission of making Him known, the Lord answers these prayers and shakes things up.

God is listening now for prayers to answer. Action: Pray for boldness in the face of persecution. Pray for validation when confronting vicious opponents of the gospel. Let the church convene, call out to God for help, in order that we might succeed in our commission — witnessing.

A word of warning to my fellowship Jesus followers. Don’t try to force God to provide a particular sign. That is, do not insist on signs seen in the early church when there may be one more appropriate for your setting. Backing signs today may be different than what was used in the church in Jerusalem. Do not seek their sign when you may need your own. (In fact, don’t seek signs for yourself at all; they are for those you are trying to reach.) Seek, rather, to have evidence provided by God that will be lend support to the message of the gospel. For example, a sign certifying the gospel in a community that has been ravaged by racism could be real steps toward reconciliation between the races.

In His grip by His grace,
Roderick Barnes

Missional Living – To Boldly Go! Part 3 (Acts 4:23-31)

29 Now, Lord, look on their threats, and grant to Your servants that with all boldness they may speak Your word, 30 by stretching out Your hand to heal, and that signs and wonders may be done through the name of Your holy Servant Jesus.”

In the latter part of their prayer the apostles and their companions call the Lord’s attention to the threats of the priests and the elders: look on their threats. The charge of the risen Lord is fresh in their minds (Acts 1:8); they were to be His witnesses in Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth. Jesus had called them, trained them, consecrated them with His own sacrifice, had commissioned them, and finally had come alongside them in the Spirit (John 14:18) to ensure that they had the Power to do the work. His commissioning was not to be subverted by cowardice in response to threats or the desire to avoid conflict with corrupt authorities.

Remembering their former false ideas about their own fortitude (Matthew 26:33-35), their recent failures (John 18:17,25), their tendencies toward fretting (John 11:12-14), and the advice of Jesus for facing temptation (Luke 22:40,46), their Teacher’s example (Luke 22:39-45), they called upon God to make them bold:

For your own glory give us the disposition to boldly go where no one has gone before with a message that no one has heard before validated by works that no one has done before.

We must be especially aware of the reason for their prayer. They did not ask for a way out but for the strength to press in.

The prayers of the early church look very different from our own. We beseech God to give us better stuff where they asked to be made better; they asked for boldness for the one thing: witnessing. We want healing in order to be comforted in our affliction often apart from whether or not we are operating in our calling. They asked for healing as a help for the one thing: witnessing. We seek signs and wonders as a means of creating buzz about our ministry. They asked for the same thing but for the message, for His ministry, for the mission of making Him known: witnessing (Isaiah 43:10; 44:8; 49:6; Acts 1:8)

Questions for Consideration

  1. Do I respond to threats with going to my fellowship to pray?
  2. Are my prayers in moments of difficulty aimed at helping with the call to make the Lord known?
  3. What would it look like to be (1) bold about faith in Jesus in the places where God has set me and (2) capable in sharing the gospel?

Missional Living – To Boldly Go! Part 2 (Acts 4:23-31)

24 So when they heard that, they raised their voice to God with one accord and said: “Lord, You are God, who made heaven and earth and the sea, and all that is in them, 25 who by the mouth of Your servant David have said: ‘Why did the nations rage, And the people plot vain things? 26 The kings of the earth took their stand, And the rulers were gathered together Against the Lord and against His Christ.’ 27 “For truly against Your holy Servant Jesus, whom You anointed, both Herod and Pontius Pilate, with the Gentiles and the people of Israel, were gathered together 28 to do whatever Your hand and Your purpose determined before to be done.

The followers of Jesus are not confused by recent events. They are not tossed about by adversity and left to wonder about what is happening. Both the apostles and the people being discipled know exactly what is going on. There are two reasons for their sound understanding of their circumstances. First, Jesus told them these things would happen (Matthew 5:11-13; 10:23; 23:34; Luke 21:12; John 15:20) . Second, they have learned to see life through the lens of Scripture; they have a biblical world view. As they review the recent persecution of their Rabbi they realize, owing to the Spirit’s leading, that it was all according to plan. Here is what they see in Psalm 2 and recent events:

  • Why did the nations rage? – The apostles and their companions can see that two nations have been enraged: (1) the nation of Israel and (2) the Gentiles as seen in the shared role in mocking (Matthew 20:19; 27:29, 41; Mark 10:34), scourging, and crucifying Jesus.
  • And the people plot vain things? – After the raising of Lazarus the Jews began to plot how they might put Jesus to death (John 11:45-53; Matthew 26:4).
  • The kings of the earth took their stand – King Herod, knowing that he had no right to the throne and fearing the rise of the promised Messiah, took His stand against the Christ in two ways. He murdered the herald and then consented to the mistreatment and murder of the actual King of the Jews – Jesus.
  • And the rulers were gathered together Against the Lord and against His Christ – The rulers conspired together against Jesus both in their plotting and in their unjust punishing of Jesus.

This part of their prayer comes from God by the mouth of [His] servant David. They not only see through the lens of Scripture (Acts 4:27-28) they pray using the words of God Himself.

Persecution of the early church drove it not to programs, petitions, or powerful politicians but to prayer. They went to God Himself. In the wake of threats they threw themselves before the throne of grace pleading for help with the words of God Himself. Our prayers will have more weight when we follow their example and pray to God Himself with the words of God Himself.

Notice their perspective on persecution: It was ordained by God (Acts 4:27). David also had this perspective when he was being wrongfully accused or mistreated by his enemies (2 Samuel 16:10-11).

People with the vision and mission of Messiah see meaning in the meanness of the crowd. Their focus is not on the cursing but on a character that honors God in the moment. And just as David did not retaliate or revile his persecutors, and as Jesus did not rail against those who were jeering, the early church did not pray for harm on their enemies. They prayed for (1) boldness in their mission as witnesses (Acts 1:8) and (2) backing through signs and wonders that would help their adversaries to believe.

Questions for Consideration

  1. Do I have a biblical world view? That is, do I look at events through the lens of what God’s word says? Am I able to assess a situation in the light of precedents and principles found in the Bible?
  2. When I am being persecuted or wrongfully treated, do I consider the possibility that the other person is being used by God to accomplish something in His good plan?

Missional Living – To Boldly Go! Part 1 (Acts 4:23-31; Matthew 28:18-20)

Sharing Problems with People of Faith (Acts 4:23-24)

23 And being let go, they went to their own companions and reported all that the chief priests and elders had said to them. 24 So when they heard that, they raised their voice to God with one accord and said: “Lord, You are God, who made heaven and earth and the sea, and all that is in them,

Immediately upon their release the apostles Peter and John went to their own (ἦλθον πρὸς τοὺς ἰδίους). [The word companions (NKJV) or friends (ESV) has been added for readability. However the text only says they went to their own.] In the company of their fellow Jesus followers they begin to share their experience. What did they share? The threats of the chief priests and elders were reported to their fellowship.

Jesus followers should be intentional and inclined to keep close company with committed Jesus followers… especially when they are being persecuted for Jesus following. (Psalm 1:1-2; Acts 4:23-24)

The companions of Peter and John are said to have raised their voice to God with one accord. What does this mean? Were they were all saying the exact same thing at the exact same time? The word rendered with one accord (NKJV) or together (ESV) is an adverb that literally means with one mind (ὁμοθυμαδὸν). Whether for a good reason (Acts 1:14; 2:1; 2:46; 8:6; 15:25; Romans 15:6) or a bad reason (Acts 7:57; 18:12), they had unity. It is likely that as one in the group was praying aloud the others were sounding out their agreement and support for the words being spoken. We do this by saying “amen” as a person speaks to God on behalf of a group we are in (1 Corinthians 14:16). One-accord praying happens when (1) the Lord’s people convene in His name to make requests (Matthew 18:19-20) and (2) they are unified in purpose. Where the prayers of a single righteous person are effective (James 5:16) there is a special presence and power associated with the gathering of God’s people unified in prayer:

  • The One Accord of God’s People for His Purpose is Indicative of a Special Anointing (Psalm 133:1-2) — 1 Behold, how good and how pleasant it is For brethren to dwell together in unity! 2 It is like the precious oil upon the head, Running down on the beard, The beard of Aaron, Running down on the edge of his garments.
  • The One Accord Praying of God’s People for His Purpose is Especially Effective for Getting Answers (2 Chronicles 7:14; Matthew 18:19-20; James 4:3) — 19 “Again I say to you that if two of you agree on earth concerning anything that they ask, it will be done for them by My Father in heaven. 20 For where two or three are gathered together in My name, I am there in the midst of them.”

Based on the promise of Jesus, this group, unified in purpose and under His person in prayer, will get results. As we consider the prayer we should note that it is very Jewish. It sounds like the worship literature of their Scriptures (Exodus 20:11; Nehemiah 9:6; Psalm 146:6); it begins with an acknowledgement of God’s power and role in the universe – Sovereign Creator.

By starting prayer with a recognition of God’s role in Creation the person praying declares an acceptance of the Lord’s right to rule and their own obligation to obey.

Questions for Consideration

  1. Am I sharing the problems I face with other people of faith? Is it a community that I am committed to?
  2. Is my fellowship unified in purpose? Can we clearly state our purpose?
  3. Do we convene to pray?
  4. In our prayers are we acknowledging God’s right to reign and our decision to obey?
  5. Pray for your government; ask God to give them wisdom for their work and favor in the discharge of their duties.

The Partnership of Folly and Famine (Luke 15:11-16)

The Fortuitous Partnership of Folly and Famine (Luke 15:14)

The famine of the parable is a good thing. How so? The son of the story has no regard for the feelings of others or the consequences of his sin. But two come against him to make him realize his wrongs. First among those that will make him think is Wasteful Living or Folly. It will take a while. But Folly (aka Foolishness) will eventually put the prodigal son in a place where he has to think. But Folly will need help. It requires the assistance of circumstance. Specifically, the circumstance of Famine. The famine of the parable conspires with the Folly of the son to force him to slow down and think about what he has been doing. Prior to wasting his livelihood (Folly) and this new period of resource lack in the region (Famine), the character does not consider the consequences of his conduct; he only cares about in-the-moment pleasure (Romans 16:18; Philippians 3:19). The wayward son does not care about the pain he has caused and does not consider the long-term effect of his decisions. 

Not Done Being Dumb (Luke 15:15)

In the story the son is not immediately repentant when faced with the poverty that comes out of the famine and his wasteful living. It will take a little time for the hardship to reach his head and heart. Rather than go home the young man of the story joined himself to a citizen of the far country. The citizen of that country was growing swine. Jesus’ listeners would hear that this person was not a follower of Yahweh. Why? Jews, because of the law of God, are not to have any dealings with swine. Instead of giving up an going home the young man digs in his heels and puts himself into the service of people that are living contrary to the ways of God. He does it so that he can remain in his rebellion, so that he can avoid acknowledging how badly he has messed up, and so that he does not have to face the father that he has disrespected.

Do not be condescending toward this parable character. He is us! I am getting the most out of the story when I am willing to acknowledge the times in my own life when I have walked away from God, wasted my gifts, and then refused to repent. He is me!

Questions for Consideration

  1. In what ways have I taken the Lord’s provision and wasted it? The Lord has provided you with time, with talent, and a measure of treasure.
  2. What circumstances have conspired with my foolishness to create conditions that are uncomfortable?

Five Characteristics of Good Mentors

Mentors make a difference. Why? A good mentor expedites your path to success and makes your efforts both more efficient and effective. Here are five characteristics of a good mentor:

  1. Knowledgeable and Experienced: A good mentor possesses a deep understanding of their field and significant experience. Good mentors have have practical insights and can provide valuable advice based on their own journey. They are more than theories and pithy sayings. Your best mentors have both been there and done that. Instead of discovering pitfalls on your own, let a good mentor help you avoid them. This will take humility and willingness to listen.
  2. Empathetic and Approachable: Good mentors are empathetic and approachable. They create a safe environment for mentees to share their thoughts, concerns, and questions without fear of judgment. When you mess things up a good mentor will not give you a pass; neither will they tear you down and forget that you are a human being that sometimes needs a word of encouragement.
  3. Good Listener: A good mentor listens actively and attentively. While some people have experience and are empathetic, they lack the listening skills to understand the mentee’s needs, aspirations, and challenges. The best mentors will prioritize understanding over just offering solutions. This will often mean taking the time to ask questions and perhaps going away to think and do research before proffering a recommendation.
  4. Supportive and Encouraging: They provide encouragement and support, helping mentees build confidence and resilience. They celebrate successes and provide constructive feedback during setbacks.
  5. Committed and Available: A good mentor is committed to the mentee’s growth and development, regularly making time for mentorship sessions and being available for guidance when needed. They are invested in the mentee’s progress and success.

In His grip by His grace,
Roderick L. Barnes, Sr.
P.S. I am grateful to God for my mentors: (1) Col. (Ret) John Bellizan, (2) Sam Johnson, and (3) Dr. Alejandro Mandes. They have counseled me, confronted me when I am wrong, and called me to get up when I feel down.

Crisis at Canyon Lake

Canyon Lake was constructed as a reservoir in the 1960′s. But while the Guadalupe Blanco River Authority continues to let water downstream, U.S. Army Corps of Engineer Park Ranger Philip Anderson told KSAT in April that “about 75%” of the lake level drop is due to evaporation.

Five Principles for Paired Ministry

1 Now Peter and John went up together to the temple at the hour of prayer, the ninth hour. 2 And a certain man lame from his mother’s womb was carried, whom they laid daily at the gate of the temple which is called Beautiful, to ask alms from those who entered the temple; 3 who, seeing Peter and John about to go into the temple, asked for alms.

3:1 We have seen these two men together in the past. When the Lord is transformed on the mountain Peter and John are there with James (Matthew 16:27-17:2; Mark 9:1-2; Luke 9:27-29). They are together with Jesus in the garden of Gethsemane (Matthew 26:36-38; Mark 14:32-33). We see them running together to the tomb of Jesus when the women say that the body is missing (John 20:1-4). And they are together in a boat when Jesus appears to them on the shore after His resurrection (John 21:6-7). Finally, when Jesus would talk with Peter alone, these two men are not entirely separated; the disciple whom Jesus loved was compelled to walk nearby (John 21:20-22). And so there is continuity from the other gospel narratives and the prior volume when we see Peter and John frequently together in the early parts of The Acts of the Apostles (Acts 3:1, 3, 11; 4:13, 19; 8:14).

They are a dynamic duo. Peter tends to be the speaker but John is always there, also with power, supporting the actions and words of his friend and fellow apostle. Their pairing may have been merely the outworking of their friendship. More likely it was also their commitment to the earlier commands and ministry conventions of Christ; He sent them by twos (Luke 10:1; Mark 6:7). It is by twos that they are going to pray… and to preach if given an opportunity. It is by twos that Peter and John, Jewish men, are still practicing Judaism. They are going together to the second and last offering of the day. It would have been about 3:00 PM.

The time of the apostles’ visit was the “ninth” hour, three in the afternoon, i.e., the hour of prayer. It was also the time of the evening Tamid, one of the two sacrifices held daily in the temple. These had become prescribed times of prayer, and people would come to the temple at the sacrifice times to observe the ceremony and pray. (Polhill, 1992, p. 126)

The apostles continued to live as observant Jews, attending the set services of worship in the Jerusalem temple. The two principal daily services accompanied the offering of the morning and evening sacrifices. One afternoon, as two of the apostles, Peter and John, went up the steps leading from the outer court to the inner courts, in order to be present in the Court of Israel for the service of prayer which accompanied the evening sacrifice (about 3 p.m.), they were arrested by the sight of a [lame man] who lay begging at the “Beautiful Gate.” (Bruce, 1988, p. 77)

Peter is often with John. Paul was often with Barnabas. Before them David, when he could, was with Jonathan. The pairing that was started in Jesus’ ministry continues in Peter and John after their Teacher has ascended. Should it? The principles that make pairing good say that it is the best way to do ministry. Here are five fundamental truths that serve as the foundation for operating in nothing less than pairs:

Mutual Support and Encouragement

  • The Principle — The mutual support is essential to effective ministry. When disciples or apostles are sent out in pairs, they can support and encourage each other in times of challenge and difficulty.
  • Biblical Basis (Ecclesiastes 4:9-10) — Two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their labor. For if they fall, one will lift up his companion. But woe to him who is alone when he falls, for he has no one to help him up.
  • Assessment Question — In what ways has my prior ministry experience proven that challenges and difficulties are best faced with a ministry partner?
  • Action Steps — Review the passage above and pray for strong resolve to honor this ministry principle. Give thanks for the persons that God has paired you with. If you are operating alone, prayerfully consider the possibility that your ministry is out of order and needs to be corrected immediately.

Witnessing and Testimony

  • The Principle — Jesus sending disciples in pairs aligns with the Jewish legal principle that a matter is confirmed on the testimony of two or three witnesses. This ensures that the message of the ones sent is credible and firmly established. Also, the ministry of a single person is especially vulnerable to false accusations from the adversaries of Jesus.
  • Biblical Basis (Deuteronomy 19:15) — One witness shall not rise against a man concerning any iniquity or any sin that he commits; by the mouth of two or three witnesses the matter shall be established.
  • Assessment Question — In what ways has the credibility of my ministry been enhanced or suffered according to either its compliance or deviation from this principle?
  • Action Steps — Review the passage above and pray for strong resolve to honor this ministry principle. Important ministry activities should not be executed alone. Even if it means slowing things down, things like mission trips and visiting the sick should be done with someone else — someone with integrity. Calendar activities that are ministry that only involve you should be shared or canceled.

Strength and Protection

  • The Principle — Jesus was sending his disciples into places where there were needy people and people who would do them harm. Traveling in pairs provided a level of protection and strength in potentially hostile environments; the disciples were sent as “lambs among wolves.”
  • Biblical Basis (Luke 10:1, 3) — After these things the Lord appointed seventy others also, and sent them two by two before His face into every city and place where He Himself was about to go… Go your way; behold, I send you out as lambs among wolves.
  • Assessment Question — What is the history of hostility in the areas where I am going to serve? In what ways do I show (1) naivete about human nature and (2) delusions about my ability to care for myself in hostile situations.
  • Action Steps — Know the history of hostility in an area where you are going to serve. If the area or people have persecuted other ministers, prayerfully choose who goes with you. That person should be capable of keeping their cool in conflict and helping you in hostile situations.

Spiritual Accountability and Discernment

  • The Principle — Working in pairs allows for spiritual accountability. Partners can help each other maintain spiritual disciplines (prayer, Bible study, worship), confront sinful tendencies, and enhance discernment through shared insights and prayer.
  • Biblical Basis (Proverbs 27:17) — As iron sharpens iron, so a man sharpens the countenance of his friend.
  • Assessment Questions — Am I paired up with people that promote growth in me? Do I encourage the person that I serve with in their commitment to Christ? Am I willing to serve with people who will challenge my ideas, disagree with my position, or gently critique my conduct?
  • Action Steps — Assess your ministry partners to make sure that you are not choosing people on the basis that they are always agreeable. Recognize the value in working with people that will promote growth even when it means some painful honesty.

Division of Labor and Diverse Gifts

  • The Principle — Different individuals bring different spiritual gifts and abilities to ministry. By pairing disciples, these diverse gifts can complement each other, making the ministry more effective and adaptable to various situations and needs.
  • Biblical Basis (1 Corinthians 12:4-6) — There are diversities of gifts, but the same Spirit. There are differences of ministries, but the same Lord. And there are diversities of activities, but it is the same God who works all in all.
  • Assessment Question — In the group that I “go” with (Matthew 28:18-20), is their a diversity of gifts? What would it look like to pair up with someone whose gifts are not the same as my own?
  • Action Steps — Take an inventory of spiritual gifts for yourself and the people that you ministry with. Prayerfully consider recruiting to fill gaps.

Take your ministry to another level by pairing. If you are currently doing it alone, what you do for the Lord could be better with the help of other people that also want to live effectively in the service of Jeus.

In His grip by His grace,
Roderick L. Barnes, Sr.


Bruce, F. F. (1988). The Book of the Acts. Grand Rapids, MI: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co.

Polhill, John B. (1992). The New American Commentary: Acts. Nashville, TN: Broadman & Holman Publishers.

Being Honest with God (Psalm 13)

Stories That Matter – Your Story (Psalm 13)

1 How long, O Lord? Will You forget me forever?
How long will You hide Your face from me?
2 How long shall I take counsel in my soul,
sorrow in my heart daily?
How long will my enemy be exalted over me?
3 Consider and hear me, O Lord my God;
Enlighten my eyes,
Lest I sleep the death;
4 Lest my enemy say,
“I have prevailed against him”;
Lest those who trouble me rejoice when I am moved.
5 But I have trusted in Your mercy;
My heart shall rejoice in Your salvation.
6 I will sing to the Lord,
Because He has dealt bountifully with me.

David’s Pain (Psalm 13:1-2) – Notice the repetition of “how long.” It stands out in the opening verses as the psalmist’s way of expressing his, as yet, unmet hope of relief. He had been living so long in ongoing discomfort that his pain was erupting in a complaint to the Lord. How long, asks David, will I be forgotten, will your face be turned away, and I live forsaken before my enemies?

    • The Pain of Being Forgotten (Psalm 13:1; Exodus 2:24; Genesis 30:22; Genesis 40:14; Judges 16:28; 1 Samuel 1:11) – When David says You forget me he is speaking in a way that his Hebrew readers would recognize as an unfiltered complaint about not receiving practical help. David is not saying that God’s memory is failing. He is being candid in communicating his disappointment in the Divine decision to leave him so long without real help. “How long, O Lord, will you leave me without practical help?”
    • The Pain of Not Being Faced (Psalm 13:1; Psalm 11:7; Psalm 17:5) – David’s chief desire is to be in face-to-face fellowship with God (Psalm 27:4, 8). His heart, summarily speaking, beats to behold God, longs to look at the Lord, and seeks to see Him. When he says You hide Your face from me David is giving vent to his deepest pain – to not have God’s attention. To see God’s face is to have the privilege of looking at the Lord and, most importantly, to have God look back at you – to see you with approving eyes (Leviticus 26:9; Exodus 2:25). “How long, O Lord, will you not take notice of me. How long will you intentionally ignore me?” He feels like God does not notice him in this moment of difficulty.
    • The Pain of Being Forsaken (Psalm 13:2; Psalm 35:19; Psalm 69:4; ) – David is a man on a mission; he lives to lead the people well. This means leading them in wisdom and against adversaries of God and His heritage. Those who hate God hate David, the representative. It is especially comforting to know that God has your back when you are in trouble for being with Him. It is especially painful to not sense His support when suffering for His sake (Psalm 22:1; Matthew 27:46; Mark 15:34).

Speaking my complaint about God to persuade others that He is not good is called blasphemy; it is an attempt to (1) dissuade faith in Him, (2) denigrate His character, and (3) aligns me with His enemy the devil (Genesis 3:4-5). Speaking my complain to God is part of my relationship with Him. He already knows my grief; getting it out actually brings alignment between my conversation and my contemplation. When I share my disappointment with God I am operating with integrity.

David’s Prayer (Psalm 13:3-4) – The distress of the shepherd king was not just in feeling forgotten. He was also dealing with the threat of death. His enemies were not content to malign the man of God; they would be satisfied only when they were able to take his life; the reference to the sleep of death is a Hebraism indicating belief in (1) life beyond the grave and (2) resurrection (John 11:11-15; Acts 7:57-60).

David is not against the eventual laying aside of his earthly tent in order to go and be with God. He is concerned that his cause, and by extension the reputation and goals of God, would be harmed if his enemies could say they had prevailed against him. Their rejoicing would not be merely over the defeat of David but at a win in the war against God. Do this for me, O LORD my God, lest my enemy say, “I have prevailed against him.” The enemies of David are first and foremost enemies of the LORD; David is hated because he is aligned with God (Psalm 69:9):

9 Because zeal for Your house has eaten me up,
And the reproaches of those who reproach
You have fallen on me. 

The prayer of David is not a self-absorbed request for relief from his enemies; it is not about him. It really is about God. Can I say that about my prayers? That is, am I so aligned with God’s will that my prayers for help are really about help for doing His will? Listen to Jesus!

In this manner, therefore, pray:
Our Father in heaven,
Hallowed be Your name.
10 Your kingdom come.
Your will be done
On earth as it is in heaven. (Matthew 6:9-10)

David’s Perspective and Praise (Psalm 13:5-6) – Having cleared the air (Psalm 13:1-2) and called for help (Psalm 13:3-4) the psalmist is able to return to worship. Based on what? He returns to rejoicing and singing to the LORD based on his perspective of God.

    • The Loyal Love of God (hesed) – The character of God is not changing with the times. In His character is His mercy or loyal love (hesed) for his people. Circumstances can make it look like God is distant. However, the truth about who He is should help us to escape the gravity of dark meditations (Psalm 1; Philippians 4:8; 1 Timothy 4:15; Joshua 1:8-9).
    • His Experience with God – David has had a good history with God. In the tribulation of our lives we can forget to remember. We can stop regarding out history of God’s great grace. His present and past goodness is the reason why we can keep singing even when things look bad.

Questions for Reflection

    • In the midst of our issues some of us have felt forgotten? What has caused you to feel forgotten, not faced, or forsaken? Based on Psalm 13:1-2, what can you do with your disappointment in your relationship with God?
    • David’s prayers, on the surface, seem to be about himself. What are his real concerns? (Psalm 13:4; 69:9)
    • The strength to sing and the heart to rejoice are the outworking of our perspective. Looking at my circumstances will make me unstable and sometimes unable have a positive attitude. To steady my heart and promote a positive outlook in the midst of my mess what should I focus on? (Psalm 13:5-6)


God, I admit my disappointment with how things have been going. In fact, I confess my frustration with Your handling of some things. Thank you for allowing me to be honest about how I feel and revealing Yourself to be approachable.

Help me to align myself with Your will. And as I deal with the difficulties of today and tomorrow keep pushing me to remember how good You are and how good You have been to me. I commit again to praising you through the storm.


Kidner, D. (1973). Psalms 1–72: an introduction and commentary (Vol. 15, p. 94). Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press.

Ross, A. P. (1985). Psalms. In J. F. Walvoord & R. B. Zuck (Eds.), The Bible Knowledge Commentary: An Exposition of the Scriptures (Vol. 1, pp. 801–802). Wheaton, IL: Victor Books.

Christ’s Commands for the Apostles

Passage: Acts 1:1–2 (NKJV)

1The former account I made, O Theophilus, of all that Jesus began both to do and teach, 2until the day in which He was taken up, after He through the Holy Spirit had given commandments to the apostles whom He had chosen

The Commands

    • Commanded to Go (John 20:21) — There is a sending of the apostles just as there were a sending of the Son. The Son, given power and direction, obeyed the command to go. The apostles, given power and a direction, are being sent out. This sending has three chief characteristics:
      • Departure – The Son left heaven and the glory he had into relative poverty, conflict, service, and sacrifice. The apostles, likewise, left family, homes, comforts, and went into service, sacrifice, persecution, exile, and executions.
      • Directions – Jesus was not without clarity on what He was to accomplish. The Father had made it clear that He was to mentor a few, lay down his life, and then take it up again. Even so, the apostles are not without instructions. See the next to commands.
      • Destination – Jesus was sent to earth. He was sent to Capernaum, Nazareth, Samaria, and Jerusalem. He was sent to the lost sheep of Israel. The apostles are sent to Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria, and then the ends of the earth… in that order.
    • Commanded to Make Disciples (Matthew 28:19) — Jesus made disciples. And now His disciples are to make disciples unto Him. This is the command for them and to all who become His followers. In one way or another we are to participate in the mandate to make disciples.
    • Commanded to Preach (Mark 16:15; Colossians 1:23; Acts 10:42) — In every place that the disciples go they are to preach. Preach what? The message of God’s offer of forgiveness and life through faith in Christ. Notice that the disciples are not to merely make mention of the message of reconciliation. To preach is to declare with the goal of getting the hearer to make a decision and, if necessary, to change. The command is not to say the gospel; that could be done without conviction, without an earnest goal of compelling someone to commit, or confrontation. Strictly speaking it is possible to say something without an audience. Preaching cannot be performed without people to hear and the possibility of the message being received or rejected.

The Concern for Us

The commands given to the apostles were to be handed down. To who? To the disciples. That is, through them the persons that make a decision to follow Jesus were to learn what Jesus commanded (Matthew 28:18-19). Ultimately it means that disciples are to make disciples. We are taught what Jesus commanded so that we can teach what Jesus commanded. This raises questions that every Jesus follower should answer:

    1. Is there a willingness in me to leave behind comfort in service to Jesus?
    2. Am I being taught what Jesus commanded?
    3. Am I teaching what I was taught? Am I making disciples?